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Natural TestoFormula

Natural TestoFormula

120 vegetarian capsules
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Synergistic formulation for optimising testosterone levels
  • Contains the most effective natural stimulants for boosting testosterone production (Tribulus terrestris, maca, bulbine…).
  • Associated with aphrodisiac effects.
  • Used for treating problems of impotence and frigidity.
69.00 €
(74.27 US$)
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New Natural Testosterone Formula is the most comprehensive, advanced and effective formulation for supporting and stimulating testosterone levels in adult males. In men over 50, it may be advisable, if not essential, to combine it with Natural Anti Aromatase Formula.

This new formulation contains the most effective precursors and boosters of free testosterone, the most active form of testosterone. Natural TestoFormula contains natural ingredients that act synergistically to maintain optimal testosterone levels at all stages of life. This unique and improved formula synergistically combines powerful, elements to:

  • Stimulate testosterone production;
  • Increase levels of free testosterone, the most active form;
  • Balance hormones as a whole.

What are the ingredients in Natural TestoFormula?

Extract of Tribulus terrestris

Is known as a sexual stimulant for both sexes. Its properties are attributed to protodioscin, its principal active ingredient. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to treat sterility, erectile dysfunction and loss of libido. Animal studies suggest it significantly increases testosterone levels. These, and human studies, show it boosts erections by increasing the release of nitric oxide in particular.

Extract of Mucuna pruriens

Standardised in L-dopa, boosts the effect of Tribulus on the libido by increasing levels of dopamine, the ‘pleasure' and ‘reward' neurotransmitter. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is also recommended for male sterility as it increases sperm count, as well as for improving mental alertness, motor coordination and to treat conditions of apathy and depression.

Taking Mucuna pruriens and Tribulus terrestris together increases the amount of L-dopa that reaches the brain. Tribulus contains a mild inhibitor of monamine oxydase, a dopamine-degrading enzyme. This natural way of enhancing the effects of Mucuna pruriens has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over a thousand years.

Extract of fenugreek seed

Provides steroid saponins which can increase levels of free testosterone and thus improve muscle mass and volume.

Extract of Rhodiola rosea

Is a cellular energy stimulant (it promotes higher levels of ATP). It helps combat sexual asthenia by reducing concentrations of various stress-related metabolites, in particular, CRF (Corticotropin Releasing Factor) which increases mental fatigue and sexual dysfunction. Rhodiola improves sexual function in men suffering erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. In Siberia, it is recommended both for those with sexual problems and those who simply want to improve their performance.

Extract of Eurycoma longifolia

Tongkat ali has been shown to almost double free testosterone levels, while reducing those of its binding protein, SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), thus enabling more free testosterone to remain in the blood for longer. On the other hand, its glyco-saponins and eurypeptides have a positive influence on production of pheromones, the sex hormone ‘messengers' to which potential partners are irresistibly and instinctively drawn.

Extract of nettle root

Is widely used in Europe to restore prostate and urinary function. It is recommended by the German Commission E and by the Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (Escop). Research shows it promotes healthy prostate function by regulating hormones which can get out of balance with the passing years. The nettle root extract used in Natural TestoFormula is standardised to 95% 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran, a natural lignan that binds directly to, and inactivates SHBG, thus promoting a rise in free testosterone. The potential benefits of this highly-standardised extract are increased muscle mass and enhanced strength. In addition it has a positive effect in cases of enlarged prostate.

Extract of bulbine Natalensis

Has anabolic and androgenic activity. It acts as a testosterone booster and has been studied in South Africa since 2009. At doses of between 25 and 50 mg/kg of bodyweight, it has been shown to be as effective as Sildenafil (Viagra) for erectile dysfunction, reduced libido and premature ejaculation. Another study showed it increased testicular enzyme activity, a factor in raising sex drive.

Extract of maca root

A plant found commonly in the Peruvian Andes, is recognised for its strength-promoting benefits. It is an energiser and all-round hormone stimulant which improves libido, reduces physical fatigue, and enhances recovery, and according to a double-blind study in the journal CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, is a remedy for infertility.

Daily dose : 6 capsules
Number of doses per pack : 20
Amount per dose
Extract of Tribulus terrestris (40 % protodioscin) 150 mg
Extract of Mucuna pruriens (15 % L-dopa) 250 mg
Extract of fenugreek (50 % steroid saponins) 200 mg
Extract of Rhodiola rosea (5 % rosavines) 100 mg
Extract of nettle root (95 % 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran) 1 000 mg
Extract of Eurycoma longifolia 100:1 150 mg
Extract of bulbine Natalensis 5:1 300 mg
Extract of maca 20:1 100 mg
Other ingredients : Acacia gum, rice flour.

Adults. Take two capsules three times a day with breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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